Here is a post from my good friend Steve from the San Diego Bee Society forum pages, I think he summarizes well what we are all experiencing with our bees this year.
Steve Gibbs
Posted 7/11/13 12:23 PM
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user 10501741
Escondido, CA
Post #: 141
My colonies have been mixed. What little honey they made I left it for them to use. Probably half of them are what you would call strong doubles, plenty of brood and honey stores. Several of the doubles had lots of bees and no honey reserve so have started feeding some selectively last weekend. I have maybe a dozen nucs/splits and they seem to be building up slower than expected (even though requeened). Last year I put in a bunch of pol-line queen cells which mated ferally, and I think their tendency is to throttle back in a situation like this. As Mark says, I don’t look forward to all the feeding coming up.