village park

village park

Another water meter job in village park. Bees love any small entrance that leads to a large space. Water meters are the ideal home for a bee.
Making Videos

Making Videos

  I spent the day with Steve Gibbs of the San Diego Beekeeping Society. We were making institutional videos. Today’s topic was finding the queen using a unique sifting method. Normally you have to search each frame by eye, It can take a very long time...
the disappeearing bee

the disappeearing bee

There is no mystery about the disappearing bee. Pesticides have been the problem all along. More Evidence Suggests Honeybees Are Dying en Masse Because of Pesticides Danielle Wiener-Bronner 632 2inShare EmailComment  10,826 views REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader...
Why the Bees are dying in America and not in Europe

Why the Bees are dying in America and not in Europe

Congressional Hearing Ignores Elephant in the Room on Bee Health & PesticidesApril 29th, 2014 Today, a House Agriculture Subcommittee held a hearing on “current research and application of management strategies to control pests and diseases of pollinators,” the...